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Easy, fast and reliable genealogy


Proud partner of Library and Archives Canada
Proud partner of Banq
Proud partner of the Eastern Townships Genealogical Society

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  • We add your ancestors

  • Our experts help you

  • Get beautiful prints

  • Share with whoever you want

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500 years of history

  • Go back to your 1st ancestor in seconds

  • History of your ancestors (ex. King's Daughters)

  • Your kinship with celebrities

  • Request copy of original records

  • Quebec, some provinces and American states

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Our genealogy services

Free services

Family tree
Build your tree with your information. Upload photos and comments. Print it at home.

Search for people in our database. Get information about them.

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Free family tree

Premium Services

Automatically add ancestors
Up to thousands* of ancestors with just one click.
Help from our experts.
Stories of your king's daughters, ... and celebrity connections

Search in our database
Detailed information about people of interest to you.
Go back 500 years quickly.

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*Results vary from case to case

Fast genealogy service

Professional printing

Print your Family tree or Family book.

  • Large format trees

  • Several kinds of trees

  • Bounded family book

  • High quality paper

  • Your origins

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Family tree print

Genealogy done by our experts

Get a beautiful tree with no effort.
A unique and beautiful gift.
Have all the work done by our experts.
Poster illustrating your tree.
Choice between several formats.
Number of ancestors guaranteed or money back.

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Your genealogy done by our experts

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About us is a very popular Quebec genealogy site which provides more than 1 000 000 members exclusive services, many of which are free. It targets people who are just starting out, those who have little time to devote to their genealogy as well as experienced researchers. allows them to make their family tree in a few clicks.

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More than 1 000 000 members

«Your website is nothing short of WONDERFUL! After all this time I?ve spent searching on other genealogy websites, finally, I have answers. Thanks! »

«Thanks for a wonderful site, very inexpensive too, not to mention a time-saver!!! »

Cathy Pepin-Toussaint, Bloomfield, NJ

«My results are better than expected. Thank you. This is very good work. I am totally satisfied because I found exactly what I was looking for. »

Dora Perus


Proud partner of Banq
Proud partner of Library and Archives Canada
Proud partner of the Eastern Townships Genealogical Society
Proud partner of the Prairie-de-la-Magdeleine historical society

Contact us

Write to us
1 888 868-0005

P.O.Box 62007 CP La Pérade
3440 Ch.des Quatre-Bourgeois
Quebec, Qc G1W 4Z2


Contact us

Write to us
1 888 868-0005

P.O.Box 62007 CP La Pérade
3440 Ch.des Quatre-Bourgeois
Quebec, Qc G1W 4Z2


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